

CorelDraw is computer software which is used in graphic design. CorelDraw have a lot of advantages and is good for beginners who are interested in learning of graphic design.


1.     Tool box

2.     Document bar

3.     Title bar

4.     Menu bar

5.     Tool bar

6.     Drawing window

7.     Property bar

8.     Docker

9.     Rulers

10.  Document palette

11.  Document navigator

12. Drawing page

13. Navigator

14. Color palette

Component of Coreldraw

Tool Box

Tool box

Ø Pick Tool is used pick and move items on the CorelDraw

Ø Shape Tool is used in reshaping and cutting of pictures and shapes

Ø Crop tool is used in the removal of areas which is unwanted.

Ø Zoom is used for magnification will working.

Ø Freehand Tool is used in drawing and cutting of pictures .

  Under net freehand some other drawing tools can be found

 These tools include:

 ®2-Point Line/Bezier/Polyline- are used in drawing of lines

 and shapes

®B-Spline / 3-Point Curve- is used in drawing curves

®Pen is used to draw line, curve and cut pictures

Ø Artistic media tool- is used in creating of effect by the use of freehand strokes

Ø Basic shape

Underneath basic shape we have;

1.     Rectangle/3-point rectangle- it is used in drawing of rectangle

2.     Ellipse/ 3-point ellipse- it is used in drawing circle

3.     Polygon- is used in drawing a polygon

Underneath polygon which include;

a.      Star/ complex star- is used in drawing of stars

b.     Graph paper- is used to create table

c.      Spiral- is used in drawing spring lines

d.     Basic shapes- it consists of the following shape triangle, parallelogram, cross, heart, cylinder, water drop, smiling face, thunder e.t.c.

Ø Text tool- is used in writing

Ø Parallel dimension tool- is used in drawing dimensional lines

Ø Straight line connector tool- is used in drawing straight line in order to connect two objects

Ø Drop shadow tool- is used in applying shadow behind an object

Ø Transparency tool- is used to make image, object or shapes transparent

Ø Colour eye dropper tool- is used to pick colour from a picture and take to another picture in other to apply the colour there

Ø Interactive fill tool- is used in applying current fill/colours in the drawing window

Tool Box



File – this consist of

1.     New/new from template – is used to create

 a new template/ document+

2.     Open/ open recent- is used to open files

which you are working on or still working on

3.     Close is used to close a single template

4.     Close all is used to close all the template/document

you are working on

5.     Save/ Save as is used to save document/ template

6.     Revert is used to revert document to it last version

Or its formal form.

7.     Import is used to import images into the drawing


8.     Export is used to convert your work to P.D.F, J.P.E.G,

T.I.F.F, A.I, P.N.G, G.I.F, E.C.T.

9.     Send to is used in sending of template or document

10.      Publish to PDF is used to convert document to PDF

11.      Print is used in printing

12.      Printing merge is used to combine multiple pieces of

text with graphic.

13.      Print Review is used to review your work before printing

14.      Exit is used to close CorelDraw


Edit – this consist of

¯ Undo delete – is used to undo previous work


¯ Redo – is used to redo previous work ( Ctrl+ shift + z )

¯ Repeat – is used to repeat sketch

¯ Cut – to cut part of your work which you want to

make use of

¯ Copy- is used to copy your work

¯ Paste – is used to place copied or cut work on the

drawing window

¯ Paste special

¯ Delete – to erase unwanted work on the drawing


¯ Duplicate – is used to create more of your work. It is easier to use than that of copy before pasting

¯  Clone –it does the same work as of that of duplicate the only difference is that the duplicate of your work in clone cannot be used to create another duplicate after it has been used to create one duplicate.

¯ Copy properties - is used to copy properties such as outline color, fill color and outline pen from on work to another on the same drawing window

¯ Step and repeat – just as clone and duplicate the only difference is that you are meant to input how many duplicate you want before it can duplicate your work.

¯  Select all – is used to select all your work for easy movement on the drawing window

¯ Find and Replace


These are some of the common options you'll find in the "View" menu in CorelDraw. They're designed to give you control over how your view and helps you interact with your designs within the software.

1.     Color Proofing – it allows you to simulate how colors

will appear when printed on different devices or using

different color profiles.

2.     Full screen preview – is used to preview your work fully

3.     Preview selected view – is used to preview selected

 place. Page sorter view – is used provides a thumbnail

 overview of all pages in your document. It's helpful for

navigating between pages and rearranging their order.

4.     View manager – it contains options to zoom in, zoom

out, and fit the entire document to the screen.

It allows you to adjust the magnification level for better

 viewing of your design.

5.     Grid – it lets you toggle the visibility of the grid on and

 off. You can also customize grid settings such as grid

spacing and color.

6.     Ruler – it helps you accurately position and measure

 objects within your document.

7.     Guidelines – it is a non-printable lines that you can place

on your document in order to assist you with alignment

and layout. It provides options for showing or hiding

guidelines and helps it manage its appearance.

8.     Dynamic guides- are a temporary alignment guides that appear as you move objects around the document. The "Dynamic Guides" lets you toggle this feature on or off.

9.     Snap To – it helps offer snapping features to help you align objects precisely. "Snap To" allows you to enable or disable snapping to various elements such as grid, guidelines, objects, and more.


Layout it consist of

1.     Insert page - is used to add page or to create a new page

2.     Duplicate page – is used to duplicate one page into two

 or more pages

3.     Rename page – is used to rename or name the page you

are working on

4.     Delete page – is used to delete unwanted pages / page

5.     Go to page – in order for you to be able to make use of the

 Go To Page you need to input the page you want to open

 will working and it helps you get there with easy.

6.     Insert page number – is used to number your work.

7.     Page number setting – is used to set page numbering

8.     Switch page orientation – is used to switch page from portrait to landscape and from landscape to portrait


Object – this consist of

1.     Insert Barcode /Insert QR code – is used to                                 

2.     Validate Barcode – is used for the validation of Barcode

3.     Insert New Object- is used in inserting other software to your work for example you can use insert new object to insert Microsoft word,  Microsoft excel, Microsoft power point to you work.

4.     Power clip – is used in clipping your work inside  a shape

5.     Transformation- is used in duplicating work into a more creative and artistic way

6.     Align and Distribute – is used to align your work to the left, right, top, bottom, horizontally and vertically.

7.     Order – is used to move your backward / forward example “ To Front Of Layer” helps you bring what you are working on that it behind to the front and “Back One “ is used to send work which is in front  behind

8.     Combine is used to combine more than one shape to become one, when this is done it forms a new shape

9.     Break apart – is used to break v. apart works which have been combine back to it normal form.

10.         Group 

11.         Hide 

12.         Shaping – this is the use of one or more shapes to create a new shape

13.         Convert to Curve – it aid in transforming your work to curve

14.         Object Properties – is used to get information about the object when working

Above are some of the common options you'll find in the in object.



Effect - is used to edit pictures. It consists of the following;

1.     Adjust – is consists of;

§  Contrast Enhancement

§  Local Equalization

§  Sample /Target Balance

§  Tone Curve

§  Brightness/ Contrast/ Intensity

§  Color Balance

§  Gamma

§  Hue / Saturation /Lightness

§  Selective Color

§  Replace Color

§  Desaturate

§  Channel Mixer

2.     Transform –it consists of;

·        Delinterlace

·        Invert color

·        posterize

3.     Correction–it consists of;

ü Dust and Scratch

4.     Aristic media

5.     Blend – it used to covert two or more shapes  into more

 to 3-D by creating the shapes multiple times.

6.     Contour – is used to make shade and edges of a shape in

 a more attractive way.

7.     Envelope – is used in replace of “covert to curve”. It aid in making curving of your work.

8.     extrude – is used to convert 2 dimensional shapes to 3 dimensional shape

9.     Bevel – is used to edit the 3 dimensional shapes that have been created by “extrude”.

    10.                          Lens

    11.                        Add Perspective

    12.                        Clear Effect

    13.                        Copy Effect – it is used to copy effect

    14.                        Clone Effect

    15.                        Roll Over

 Bitmaps – it consists of;

1.     Convert to Bitmaps – is used to convert or change your work to an image

2.     Auto Adjust

3.     Image Adjustment

4.     Straighten image

5.     Edit bitmaps

6.     Crop bitmaps

7.     Resample

8.     Mode – this is used while converting your work to determine the form which you want for the image.

®   Black and White (1-bit)

®   Grayscale (8- bit)

®   Duotone (8- bit)

®   Paletted (8- bit)

®   RGB color (24- bit)

®   Lab color (24- bit)

®   CMYK color (32- bit)

9.     Inflate Bitmaps

®   Auto inflate bitmaps

®   Manually inflate bitmaps

    10.                        Bitmaps color mask

    11.                        Break link

    12.                        Update from link

    13.                        Quick trace

    14.                        Centerline trace

    15.                        Outline trace

    16.                        3D-Effect

®   3D Rotate

®   Cylinder

®   Emboss

®   Page curl

®   Perspective

®   Pinch/ punch

®   sphere

    17.                        Art strokes

Ø Charcoal

Ø Conte crayon

Ø Crayon

Ø Cubist

Ø Impressionist

Ø Palette knife

Ø Pastels

Ø Pen & ink

Ø Scraperboard

Ø Sketch pad

Ø Watercolor

Ø Water marker

Ø Wave paper

    18.                        Blur- it consists of;

¯ Directional smooth

¯ Gaussian blur

¯ Jaggy despeckle

¯ Low pass

¯ Motion blur

¯ Radial blur

¯ Smooth

¯ Soften

¯ Zoom

¯ Smart blur


    19.                        Camera

§  Colorize

§  Diffuse

§  Photo filter

§  Sepia toning

§  Time machine

    20.                        Color  transform

·        Bit planes

·        Halftone

·        Psychedelic

·        Solarize

    21.                        Contour

Ø Edge detect

Ø Find edges

Ø Trace contour

    22.                        Creative

§  Crafts

§  Crystalize

§  Fabric

§  Frame

§  Glass block

§  Kid’s play

§  Mosaic

§  Particles

§  Scatter

§  Smoked glass

§  Stained glass

§  Vignette

§  Vortex

§  weather

    23.                        Custom

¯ Alchemy

¯ Bump - map

    24.                        Distort

¯ Blocks

¯ Displace

¯ Mesh wrap

¯ Offset

¯ Pixelate

¯ Ripple

¯ Swirl

¯ Tile

¯ Wet paint

¯ Whirl pool

¯ Wind

    25.                        Noise

¯ Add noise

¯ Maximum

¯ Median

¯ Minimum

¯ Remove Moiré

¯ Remove noise

    26.                        Sharpen

Ø Adaptive unsharp

Ø Directional sharpen

Ø High pass

Ø Sharpen

Ø Unsharp mask

    27.                        Texture

·        Cobblestone

·        Elephant skin

·        Etching

·        Plastic

·        Relief sculpture

·        stone

    28.                        Plug – Ins



TEXT- it consists of;

1.     Text properties

2.     Tabs

3.     Columns

4.     Bullets

5.     Drop cap

6.     Font playground

7.     Edit text: is used in editing of text

8.     Insert character – is used to insert different type

of sign/ sounds e.g. N, <,>, ʃ,ʧ,ʤ,ɧ,ǣ, E.T.C

9.     Covert

    10.                        Show Non- Printing Characters

    11.                        Paragraph text frame

    12.                        Fit text to path- is used to fit text into shapes

    13.                        Straighten text

    14.                        Align to baseline grid- it enables your text be on a straight line

    15.                        Use hyphenation

    16.                        Hyphenation settings

    17.                        Writing tools

·        Spell check- is used in checking of correct spelling

·        Grammatik

·        Thesaurus

·        Quick correct

    18.                        Change case- is used in change text from capital letters to small letters and verse vase.

    19.                        Text statistics



1.     Create new table-  is used in formation of table

2.     Convert text to table- is used to change text box to


3.     Convert table to text- is used to convert table to

text box

4.     Insert- is used in inserting row and columns

5.     Select- is used in the selection of cells

6.     Delete- is used to delete cell/ cells

7.     Distribute- is used in distributing row and column evenly

8.     Merge cell-  is used to combine two or more cells into a cell

9.     Split into rows- is used to divide rows

    10.  Split into columns – is used to divide column

11.   Unmerge cells – is used to unmerge combined cells


BEST COMPUTER GUIDE Written by Abigail Odenigbo, Published @ 2014 by NOBIGDEAL(Ipietoon)