Microsoft Excel is used in calculating or for data comprehension. It comprises of book, sheet and page. cell is located in the Microsoft excel it’s the combination of row and column.

Component OF Microsoft Excel

·       Menu bar

·       Tool bar

·       Title bar


Ø Title  bar:

Its the title name of your work

Ø Menu bar: just as that of the Microsoft word excel consist of home, insert, page layout, review and view. The only difference is the present of data and formulas in the menu bar.

Ø Tool bar: is consist of the tools needed to work on the Microsoft word excel


·       Home : 

·       Clipboard: it consists of the cut, copy, paste and format paint.

·       Font: it is used in changing the font style and it consists of bold, underline, italic, grow font, font style, shrink font etc.

·       Alignment: it is used in the arrangement of your work.

·       Numbers: it is used in other to know how the value of your work should be arranged.



ü Table: it is used to create table on the Microsoft excel. 


ü Illustration: it consists of picture, shapes, smart art and clip art.

ü Chart: it is used in documentation of your work using diagram.

ü Text: it is used in the arrangement of the heading.


Formulas are known as a mathematical way of solving mathematical problem or technical problem.

Types of formulas

1.   Relative formulas

2.   Absolute formulas

3.   Mix formulas


v Relative formulas: it uses referees in a way which allow in a1 and a2 to combine in other to get result. E.g.

Notice the big circle in it you see a writing that looks like this =sum(A1+B1) ,in the table above you will also notice it is divided into three places A,B,C in other to get C we had to add A and B using the relative formulas.

vAbsolute formulas: it uses referees and dollar sign in order to solve mathematical problem.

Just as that of relative we had to use A and B in order to get C the any difference is the present of the dollar sign.

 vMix formulas: it uses dollar sign in the beginning and in the center



1.   =IF


3.   =MIN

4.   =MAX

5.   =SUMproduct





It This consists of:

·       AND GATE

·       OR GATE

Ø And gate:  it states that all condition must be true to produce true statement.

Or gate: is state that one condition must be true to produce true.  

Note: the line found in Microsoft excel is known as GRIDLINES


·       PAGE LAYOUT:

This is used in formatting of your page

 ·       DATA:


BEST COMPUTER GUIDE Written by Abigail Odenigbo, Published @ 2014 by NOBIGDEAL(Ipietoon)